Research shows that working at a desk all day can have lasting negative affects on your health, unless you are breaking up the time with regular exercise and stretching. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite stretches below to help put you in a good mood, increase flexibility in stiff muscles and boost circulation!

1. Neck Rolls – Relax and lean your head forward. Slowly roll head in a circle one side for 10 seconds. Repeat on other side. Do this three times in each direction.

2. Shoulder Rolls – Raise both shoulders up toward ears, then slowly roll them backward. Repeat, rolling forward. Do this three times in both directions.

3. Upper Back Stretch – Hold your arms out straight in front of you, palms facing down. Lower your head in line with your arms, and round the upper back while looking down toward the floor. Hold for 2 to 3 deep breaths.

4. Torso Stretch – Seated or standing, lace the fingers together and stretch them up towards the ceiling. Take a deep breath as you stretch up as high as you can, then exhale and open the arms, sweeping them back down. Repeat for 8-10 reps.

5. Seated Hip Stretch – While seated, cross the right ankle over the left knee and sit up nice and tall. Gently lean forward, keeping the back straight and reaching out with the torso until you feel a stretch in the right glute and hip. Press down on the right knee to deepen the stretch. Hold for 10-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

We hope these exercises help you as much as they help us! If you are interested in Manzanita Real Estate or Surrounding areas. Please feel welcome to reach out.

Tosha Reinmiller
Principal Broker
Living Room Realty – Manzanita
(541) 231-5829

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