This holiday season, Manzanita is offering a small town local business alternative to the usual corporate chaos of Black Friday! By hosting an in town special sales event Friday November 24th, the local merchants of Manzanita hope to divert support directly back into the community itself. The event who’s plaid name gathers inspiration from the idea of “weaving” together the diversity of individual town merchants into one strong blended community will be held from 8 am to 6 pm throughout town with most of the retail stores joining in! Unfurl, Finnesterre, T-Spot, Cloud and Leaf Bookstore and Four Paws on the Beach Pet Supplies are just a few of the many businesses who will be partaking in this fun filled event and offering sales and deals throughout their stores.

JOIN US! During the Plaid Friday all day event, Living Room Realty office in Manzanita will be hosting an Open House, serving up tasty appetizers, drawing and announcing raffle prize winners (we’ve got really good prizes!) and as always, offering home owner advice and discussion to interested parties.

Look for the above displayed flyer to discover all the shops participating. It’s promising to be a  plaid-tastic day in town and we hope to see you there!

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Tosha Reinmiller - Living Room Realty
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